Chelsea Piers SkyRink

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Indoors - Located in Manhattan at Chelsea Piers - nice view of the Hudson River. Subway to 23rd Street - bus or walk to 12th Ave. Pier 61. Parking is available. Music - erratic - if any. Walkmans not allowed. Coin lockers are available and cost 75 cents. Skate rental (of both figure and hockey skates) is also available. There is a pizzeria in the rink in case you get the munchies.
-- written Nov 3, 1997 (last visit before write-up Oct 16)
-- updated Jan 1, 2007

See a short video of skating at SkyRink (May 27, 2001) in Quicktime (approx. 2.7MB) or MPEG (approx. 3.2MB) format. (Quicktime player available from Apple.)

Check the Chelsea Piers home page for more information.

Last updated June 24, 2008.

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